Video Transcript
In this video, I'm going to demonstrate for you how to change the chart time frames.
So, let's come in and open up a chart. Again, let's open up Apple. You can notice that in the right-click menu, when we click on the name of the Apple symbol, we get a right-click menu that has all the different time frames listed. If we come in and right-click on the chart itself, the daily chart, we also get a list, and we can change that time frame.
So, we can come in and, if I want that daily chart to be a one-minute chart, we can just right-click on it and change it right in the symbol list itself. We can also come down, and in the bottom left-hand corner of every chart, you'll notice that you have a series of tabs. Those tabs can also change the time frame of each individual chart.
So, if I want the one-minute chart to be a 15-minute chart, I just click the 15-minute tab, and it changes it over to the 15-minute chart. You'll notice that up in the upper right-hand corner, the chart indicates that it is now a 15-minute chart in that window as well.
Now, let's say we want to change the time frames on the tabs. Let's say we would like to have a three-minute chart. The way we do that is we right-click on one of the tabs. It brings up this window for us, and then we can change the tabs to be any time frame we want.
So, the first tab we might say is a 2-minute, the second tab is a 3-minute, and maybe we want the third tab to be a 7-minute. Then we can go ahead and hit apply.
Now, you'll notice that down in the bottom left-hand corner, each tab has changed to the new time frame. We have now a 2-minute, a 3-minute, and a 7-minute chart. If I click on that, now we have a 7-minute chart listed, and we come up here in the right-hand corner, and you can see that we have 7 minutes.
If I right-click on that 7-minute chart, you'll now notice that we have the adjustments here in this window as well. We now have a 2-minute, a 3-minute, and a 7-minute chart available to us, and we can change this chart to a three-minute chart from within this tab as well.
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